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Sunday, 15 February 2015

What's The Poll on Office Bullies?

What’s the Poll on Office Bullies?


Yay or nay? Do you remember the last time you were bullied? I mean, if you were like me, introverted, shy, and a nerd, you were probably at least picked on. But that was high school! I survived it! And I deffo wouldn’t allow it at my high school reunion, so why should we tolerate it in the workplace? I mean for starters between colleagues it’s completely inappropriate cos well you’re just a colleague and I will let you know about it, but what about when it’s a supervisor?
Now, I’m very polite and even more patient, but don’t confuse those two for some form of consent. I let a lot of things go and slide cos well as a very patient person I understand that sometimes there are reasons beyond reason and they might be petty to fuss over and ruin my day. But to keep at it without any form of acknowledgement or remorse then you have to realise at some point even pressure needs to escape somewhere.
I also respect my superiors which is why I understand sometimes they must be “tough” if they need things to get done. But I’m not that type of employee that you need to keep being tough on because I actually do what’s expected of me without having to be babysat.
So why? Is it an ego thing? Is it a control issue? Is it a God complex?
Well, whatever the reason, it’s inappropriate! It’s also bordering on harassment, you know, that part where an uncomfortable environment is created, one of intimidation and hostility. It needs to stop.

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