Not Myself
"Not Myself Tonight"--Christina Aguilera
Now I picked this personal favourite of mine because this post is about not being what others want us to be but to be ourselves. And I know +Christina Aguilera says she does NOT want to be herself, but listening and reading a little deeper we can find that maybe we should be this "Not Myself" more often than one night and that that side is more our truer side and we should not care to be any other way every day, and like she says, if they don't like it then F*** you !
I watched CBS This Morning and saw that this photographer had made it from the net to the news on TV. Her name is +Haley Morris-Cafiero and she is overweight and goes around the world taking pictures of herself, but the real subject of the photograph is the person directly behind her in different locations along with their reactions to her weight and her look. Check out her own website for more pictures of her project "Wait Watchers."
She is a very brave girl and I give her all the support and credit for doing what she does because I know others will have trouble finding it in themselves to look past society's judgemental eye and break free from what society sees as "normal" and "what should be," and just be themselves. And 'tis quite embarrassing, not only to her subjects after finding their facial expressions plastered all over the net, but to society as a whole that is so quick to judge and mock but with such outward display and disregard for the human heart.
And be kind to one another.
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