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Sunday, 14 April 2013

A List of Thing You Don't Need To Be Sorry About

"I Won't Apologise For Who I Am."--Selena Gomez

I saw on Kailynn's Facebook, who has a blog herself, an article by Zach Stafford who was featured in Thought Catalogue with a list of "37 Things You Don't Need To Be Sorry About," except this one is not quite 37 for I only left the ones that I myself am not sorry for, so tick above for a full list:

2. Telling someone how you feel. (I mean my tongue is a muscle, use it or lose it right?)
3. Ordering something better than a well drink. (Only on pay-day, or a happy hour deal)
4. Watching the Olympics in hopes a swimmers' Speedo falls off. (Praying even)
6. Not returning a text sent past midnight. (And saying, "oh I was asleep by then")
8. Talking about dating in front of children, especially if you’re gay. (Especially if there are parents within earshot)
9. Responding to emails too quickly. (I am always by a laptop, tablet, phone, who isn't?)
10. Being proactive. (I only left this here 'cause I almost tried it and that should count)
12. Speaking in a French accent when saying French words. (Or Italian, or Spanish, or English, or even in Sign Language)
13. Working too much. (Actually even regret having done so for a Co. that were jerks in the end.)
15. Openly crushing on people you may never meet. (Only famous people)
16. Wanting to make more money, and then doing it. (Actually I just ventured on this one)
17. Caring too much. (NEVER, kidding, of course I wont apologise for it)
18. Not having sex as much as people expect or want. (What they don't know won't hurt them)
20. Yelling when you want to yell. (I'm leaving this one here to remind me to JUST DO IT)
28. Wanting to love someone, and being scared to tell them. (one word, brother)
29. Having brunch on Sunday and then going to bed afterwards. (It's Sunday??)
32. Making a mistake and not learning from it the first time. ("Practise makes perfect", they said)
34. Only getting your news from Twitter. (even worse, Facebook!)
35. Being hung-over. (SO sorry some days)
36. Screening your family’s calls and later saying, “I was really busy!” ("No comment")

For the other items, or for all of you who haven't done any of these, we should start a "Bucket List," and do it, no regrets and no apologies, right?


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