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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Time Is Borrowed But People Are Too

Time isn't the only thing borrowed in life, yet it is the most valuable. It allows us to spend that time with loved ones. But people are borrowed too. 

We focus on living life to the fullest and that's fine, but sometimes we narrow our focus to how we pass that time as opposed to whom we pass it with. What would our lives be like if all we focused on was to have a good time and have a fun ride if we pass our lives alone? The truth is, we need companionship, whether it be in a form of a friend, family, or a partner, or even a pet. I mean, we need someone to have fun with along our lives right? But even then we take both for granted. 

People and pets, our loved ones, are all too temporary and borrowed in our lives. We make plans to spend time with them, we cherish their friendship, we value their time as well as ours, and we bond with them. But by our own demise or by that of natures' they leave our lives. Either we didn't appreciate their time that they've invested in us or their time ran out. In any case we learn to appreciate people better the next time around since they make our time on this planet more bearable. The same is said about pets =]. 

Time is precious and valuable, and in high demand, but spend it wisely, don't take it for granted or the people that it brings into your life. Remember that their time is valuable too. Don't waste their time. Don't "use" their time but actually give them time, it becomes more precious that way. Another thing that people and pets give us, besides their time, are memories. Make those times memorable. Leave their hearts with good memories and good times. This way your time will be extended, as well as theirs. 

Spend time better. Live better. Love better. Share your time, it's better that way. Make time.